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How to setup a VPN connection on Ubuntu using LT2P

1. Add repository and install L2TP plugin for the Network Manager by following these instructions:


 – Type in command: sudo -s

 – And enter your Ubuntu password

 – Add necessary repository with the following command: apt-add-repository ppa:seriy-pr/network-manager-l2tp

 – Reload apt-get with the command: apt-get update

 – Install L2TP plugin for Network Manager: apt-get install network-manager-l2tp-gnome


2. Next, select “No” for the x.509 certificate and click on “OK” in the next window.


3. Disable xl2tpd service on startup by typing in the following commands:

service xl2tpd stop

update-rc.d xl2tpd disable


Now we need to create a connection. Please follow the steps below: 


4. Go to Network Manager > VPN Connections > Configure VPN


5. Select “Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol” from the drop-down menu and click on the “Create” button.


6. Click on the “Add” button and enter the following information at the “VPN” tab:


 – Connection name: Type anything you want, such as the name of the server you’re connecting to, for example, HMA!

 – Gateway: Enter the IP address or VPN hostname of the server you wish to connect to, from the VPN (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-vpn-for-chrome-vpn-p/majdfhpaihoncoakbjgbdhglocklcgno) Control Panel. You can find it by clicking on “Software & Help.” Then click on “View” next to “Manually set-up VPN – No software.”

 – User name: Enter your HMA! account username

 – Password: Enter your L2TP password. This can be found by logging into the VPN Control Panel and clicking on “Software & Help.” Then click on “View” next to “Manually set-up VPN – No software.”

When you’re finished, please, double-check your VPN settings and click “Save.”


7. Click on the “L2TP IPSec Options” button and:


 – Check the box next to “Enable IPSec tunnel to L2TP host”

 – In the “Group Name” field, enter “HMA” and…

 – In the “Pre-shared key” field input “HideMyAss.” Make sure you enter the upper and lower case letters as you see them here – as they are case sensitive.

When you’re done, click “OK.”


8. Now open the “PPP settings” tab and select the following options:


–  Under “Authentication”, check only the “MSCHAP” and “MSCHAPv2″ options. Leave the rest unchecked

 – Check the option “Use Point-To-Point encryption (MPPE)”

 – For “Security”, select “128-bit (most secure)” from the drop-down menu

 – Uncheck all other options as shown in the screenshot below

Save the settings by clicking “OK.”


9 .Open the “General” tab and:


 – Check the option “All users may connect to this network”

 – Click on “Save”

You can now close the Network Connections window.


Try connecting and check your IP address.


Now you know how to setup a VPN connection on Ubuntu using the L2TP protocol, PPTP and OpenVPN! 


If you require any assistance, please feel free to email us.


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